Maple Bear

informācija par franšīzes sistēmu
franšīzes sistēmas apraksts
Maple Bear Canadian schools brings to Europe the best practices from the Canadian bilingual methodology. Maple Bear is the biggest global educational franchise and one of the fastest-growing private education brands in the world (present in >30 countries around the globe with 560+ bilingual early childhood, elementary and high schools and more than 46,000 students).
Maple Bear is positioned as a premium brand. The Maple Bear educational centres are usually registered as local schools, conforming to local education regulations, and offering fully articulated local curricula in addition to the Canadian program and teaching methodologies, thereby giving children the opportunity to acquire 21st century skills.
The Nursery and Pre-schools program offer full English-language immersion. The Primary and Secondary School apply Bilingual teaching, where the Canadian curriculum and teaching strategies are adapted to local prorgams and requirements of the Ministry of Education.
Maple Bear now offers the opportunity to collaborate on the basis of a single-unit franchise licence. An individual franchisee operating a branch obtains the right to own and operate a Maple Bear School for 10 years with the possibility of extension. The licence allows a franchisee to run an education centre from nursery to high school but is not obligated to offer the full spectrum and can only run a kindergarten, for example.
Maple Bear franchise is a business opportunity for:
- existing private kindergartens with children having a good standard of English, and that want to distinguish themselves from the competition by offering real English-language immersion, as well as a modern and recognised teaching methodology to both local and foreign families, or that want to add primary education to their portfolios with support from an experienced network;
- English Languages Schools which want to focus more on education; and
- entrepreneurs who would like to enter the education business with strong support from the biggest franchise educational concept in the world.
franšīzes struktūrvienība
Maple Bear existing schools:
- 32 countries (Canada, Brazil, Bangladesh, China, India, Kenya, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Turkey, UAE, USA, Vietnam...)
- >560 schools
- 9 schools in CEE (Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia and Ukraine).
struktūrvienības fotogrāfija
informācija priekš franšīzes ņēmējiem
atbalsts franšīzes ņēmējiem
Maple Bear support for school owners includes:
Implementation support
- Business plan
- School and classroom layout plans
- Implementation project plan & constant follow-up
- Architectural design by experts in schools (pre-negotiated conditions)
- New owners’ guidebook
Operational support
- Operational manual
- Emergency planning and manuals
- Special needs students’ manual
- Staff, students and parents’ guides
- School CRM
- Complete Recruitment guidebook including job descriptions, roles, advertising positions and requirements
- Recruitment assistance
- Enrolment strategies and support
Academic support
- Canadian curriculum starting from age 18 months to 18 years’ old
- Daily lesson plans
- Canadian teaching methodology and strategies
- On site initial and ongoing Training and Coaching (minimum 4 weeks/ year)
- Virtual Academic Director assigned to each franchisee
- Curriculum updates
- Teachers’ and school owners’ conventions
Marketing and communication support
- Website, social media and e-mail set up and support
- Online Marketing and Communications training
- Brand identity Rulebook
- Marketing resources library online
- Social media content
- Video library
- National brand awareness campaigns
kopējās investīcijas
Initial One Time Fee:
35.000 Euros, as per franchise agreement.
- Flexibility to pay in instalments over an agreed period of time.
- For existing kindergarten to be converted, the fee will be lowered according to the number of children and other parameters.
- 50% discount for the 1st franchisee in the country.
Package include:
- 2 weeks initial training before opening. 3 weeks follow-up & coaching after opening (1 trainer).
- Implementation Support.
- Rights to use the brand name and trade décor.
- Entering the Maple Bear Global Network of Schools.
8% from school Monthly Income, as per franchise agreement.
Package include:
- Using the Maple Bear system.
- Academic Support (1 week of training per semester for each 108 students)
- Operational Support
- Marketing & Communication support.
Ad Fund Contribution:
2% from school revenue.
- Start to be activated when there are at least 2 Maple Bear centers in the same country.
- Once active: No Ad Fund year 1. 1% starting from Year 2. 2% starting from Year 3.
- Intended for Marketing and Communication activities that will benefit all franchisees and to promote overall brand awareness at Country Level.
Ongoing Training & Quality Assurance Audit:
- Maple Bear will pay trainer & auditor flight ticket from Canada to MBCEE territory and trainer`s salary.
- The Franchisee of Maple Bear CEE will pay the domestic airfare and/or ground transportation to bring the trainer & auditor to its school, the accommodation during the training and the meals.
pamata nosacījumi
- Entrepreneurs already in the education business
- Entrepreneurs (w/o experience in the education business)
- English-language school owners
- We support and welcome everyone who is sharing our values and is passionate about education.
informācija par franšīzes devēju
Maple Bear CEE OOD
2 Grigor Parlichev Street, Sofia, Bulgaria
kontaktpersona priekš kandidātiem
Juris Roganovs (local representative)
Phone: +371 29 558 222
uzzināt vairāk
lasīt rakstus

Aizvien biežāk vecāki sūta bērnus uz papildus apmācībām, lai attīstītu radošumu un iztēli - Joanna Małek
Ja jūs zināt, kā vajag pareizi domāt, jūs paveiksiet daudz lietas - Amir Asor, Young Engineers izveidotājs.
Programmēšanas kursu dalībnieki ne tikai apgūst programmēšanu. Viņi pilnībā maina savu profesionālo dzīvi.
Latvijā atvērta starptautiskā uzņēmuma ‘Smart Ninja’ franšīze. Ar tās starpniecību interesentiem tiks nodrošināta iespēja apgūt programmēšanas un IT prasmes.

Katalogā ietverto informāciju ir iesniedzis franšīzes devējs. Pirms sadarbības līguma parakstīšanas kandidātam vajadzētu pārliecināties par uzņēmuma datiem un kopējo biznesa modeļa pievilcību. Redakcija patur tiesības pārbaudīt informāciju par katalogā esošiem uzņēmumiem. Ja saņemat informāciju, ka uzņēmumu iesniegtie dati ir neprecīzi vai novecojuši, lūdzu, sazinieties ar redakciju.