Zilais Zilonis

informācija par franšīzes sistēmu
franšīzes sistēmas apraksts
The main activity of the MODRÝ SLON Publisher s.r.o. is to publish „personalized books“ and additional products. Its aim is to motivate young children to read and let them discover the magic of a written text.
Since 1998 the Publisher has published over 60 original titles written and illustrated exclusively for the Publisher´s revolutionary production system. Each of this titles became a besteseller from the sales point of view. Since 2010 the Publisher has addressed the beginner-writters and beginner-illustrators for cooperation on the project. In 2001 the Publisher released a TANGLE BOOK, a didactic aid (game) that was chosen as the „Right toy“. In 2004 our Tangle book won the first prize in the category „Novelty of the year“ and the third prize in the category „The best promotional or gift item“ in the competition called the STAR OF 3D ADVERTISING 2004.
In 2011 the I read Project was initiated into which our Publisher participated together with 477 primary-school pupils. The children reading skills are evaluated before and after reading the personalized book. The Project was evaluated to be an extremely motivating means of support to improve reading literacy by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports- the results proved the increase in the reading literacy by 28 %.
Since 2016 , the Publisher has regularly participated in the FOR KIDS and FOR BABIES Trade Fairs. In the same year at the FOR KIDS Trade Fair in Prague The Publisher won the Grand Prix Award for the personalized book „ROBIN“.
In 2017 the Publisher released the world´s first personalized leporello. This product has immediately become successfull and surpassed the sales of all other books.
In 2017, Mořský svět (Sea World) and Na statku (On the farm) memory game were awarded the CAPARD Certificate.
The complete Publisher commercial concept is built on a franchise model. Anyne who meets the given requirements may become Franchisees and may participate in further growth and mission of the Publisher. At present, the Publisher operates in the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, France, Great Britain and Germany.
The Publisher has been operating on the Czech market for the past 20 years and is constantly developing its sales and partnership system. Strong emphasis is put on a specific approach to every existing or potentional partner (Franchisee). We must not forget to mention that apart from the commercial aspect there is also aspect of positive approach of the Partner to the Reading Support Project. Thanks to national coverage and experience in cooperation models we always mange, in discussion with the Partner, to find a suitable cooperation model for both parties.
Why the MODRÝ SLON Publisher s.r.o. Franchise?
- Approved and profitable business
- Unique know-how
- Sophisticated successfull marketing stratedy
- Franchisor´s support
- Own machinery safeguards Product quality
- Product innovation
- Givin region exclusivity
- Minimum operating costs
- Čehijā (Opava)
franšīzes struktūrvienība
- Čehijā
- Slovākijā
- Polijā
- Francijā
- Vācijā
- Lielbritānijā
- Ungārijā
- Bosnijā-Hercogovinā
- Rumānijā
- Horvātijā
- Lietuvā
struktūrvienības fotogrāfija
informācija priekš franšīzes ņēmējiem
atbalsts franšīzes ņēmējiem
- Printing Development and Know-How, completion of personalized books and their presentation
- Product delivery (Hal-made product) to the end-customer
- Technology support needed for completion of a personalized book (end-customer receives the desired book in 100% quality
- Marketing consultancy for successfull operation of a brach
- Commercial materials and the overall portfolio
- Exclusivity in a given country
kopējās investīcijas
- 1000 € per one milion inhabitants
- No Ongoing fees
- The Renewable Contract is concluded for a 4 years term
- 50% of the Customer Purchase price
pamata nosacījumi
Our Partner will receive exclusivity in his country, they need to have the ability to deal with Offices, schools and companies. It´s necessary to be comunicative and represent our company in PR. It is essential to be familiar with internet and social media (facebook, instagram), and having some experience in online shop operation is an endiniable benefit.
- Partner interested in our Business system
- Partner that believes that children can through reading of personalized books discover the magic of a written text
- Partner who really believes he can compete on the market
- Partner that speaks English
informācija par franšīzes devēju
kontaktpersona priekš kandidātiem
Mr.Marek Halfar
uzzināt vairāk
lasīt rakstus

Katalogā ietverto informāciju ir iesniedzis franšīzes devējs. Pirms sadarbības līguma parakstīšanas kandidātam vajadzētu pārliecināties par uzņēmuma datiem un kopējo biznesa modeļa pievilcību. Redakcija patur tiesības pārbaudīt informāciju par katalogā esošiem uzņēmumiem. Ja saņemat informāciju, ka uzņēmumu iesniegtie dati ir neprecīzi vai novecojuši, lūdzu, sazinieties ar redakciju.