
informācija par franšīzes sistēmu
franšīzes sistēmas apraksts
Qjob is an innovative, online C2C marketplace matching local professionals and residential customers to solve miscellaneous (household, business related or creative) tasks. On Qjob you can quickly find a reliable professional suited for the job and up to 40% cheaper than the market price.
A registered user can be both a customer and a professional with the same profile. Customers can create tasks based on problems they want to solve and post it on the site.
Professionals registered to a specific category will be notified about the new tasks/jobs there. Professionals send bids/offers to those tasks they are interested in. Customers will collect the bids and can negotiate further with the most promising specialists. Customers can also browse professionals registered in the category and ask them for an offer. The customer selects one specialist for the task, while others receive a declining notification.
After completing the task, the professional shall close the task on Qjob. The customer will confirm that the task is completed. During completion both parties can evaluate each other. This rating will be reflected in their profiles and will count towards their ranking.
The service has been active in Hungary since January 2020, and 20,000 users have registered on the site in 9 months.
The founders of Qjob aim to accelerate the international expansion by partnering with franchisees. Recipients have the option to purchase a specific city (and agglomeration) or even an entire country. Master partners purchasing national rights may sell additional franchise rights.
A marketplace for professionals is not a new concept, there are several successful examples in the west (TaskRabbit, Thumbtack) and east (YouDo, Kabanchik). According to recent polling data, at the moment only about 5-7% of households go online to solve their errands, but there is a change in attitude because of the pandemic. This means there is a high potential for the expansion of professional marketplaces.
The Central and Eastern European market in this area is quite segmented, there is no single, consolidated brand, despite repeated attempts and millions of venture capital investments.
The success of the Qjob business model lies in the fact that it combines the dynamic and flexibility of startups with the advantages of classic business management, which provides local representation and management through the franchise model, contributing to the success of our partners.
The concept started in Hungary concentrating on Budapest
franšīzes struktūrvienība
struktūrvienības fotogrāfija
informācija priekš franšīzes ņēmējiem
atbalsts franšīzes ņēmējiem
We provide a wide range of services to our partners, including IT support, SEO and online marketing, as well as general management consulting.
Thanks to the Qjob model anyone can launch their own successful IT startup, even without related business experience. With our support franchisees can concentrate on the regional marketing.
5 reason to join Qjob:
1. Technological solutions:
We support your daily work with a professional marketplace developed by us. Through the integrated admin page you get up-to-date information about the business processes.
2. Growth and brand
Qjob is a dynamic and developing online business with the advantages of a tech start-up, built on the changing needs of today’s consumers, centered on remote working and secure communication.
3. Marketing
Qjob’s marketing activities are concentrated on strong, active communication and local PR to achieve the best results.
4. Training
We provide step-by-step training on the structure and operation of the marketplace and help in customizing it to the local needs.
5. Business solutions
We pay special attention to conscious business planning, for this we provide an internal project planning program to help our partners.
kopējās investīcijas
The investment costs are subject to individual agreement. It is based on the local population. Minimum number of inhabitants: 200.000.
The investment consists of the following one-time and regular items:
- Franchise fee: one time
- Tech support: monthly fee
- Marketing contribution: monthly fee
- Royalty: 0% in the first year, after 13. months it is progressively based on the turnover
pamata nosacījumi
Qjob’s franchise concept offers a solution for anyone looking to start their own IT start-up with an already tried, verified and well-functioning business model.
The franchisee is responsible for the following:
- Entry fee
- Have it’s center of operations in a city with a minimum of 200.000 inhabitants
- Applying the tools developed by the franchisor
- Commitment to long-term business partnership
- Active, open-minded attitude
- A minimum of 2-4 hours of free time everyday to manage the project locally
- At least a basic understanding of English
informācija par franšīzes devēju
kontaktpersona priekš kandidātiem
Róbert Kaszó
uzzināt vairāk
lasīt rakstus
visvairāk lasītais

- Kad mēs uzsākām biznesu, mūsu plānos nebija franšīze. Taču biznesa izaugsme bija tik pārsteidzoša, ka plāni mainījās.
’Mēness aptieka’ tīkls paplašinās un atver jaunu franšīzes aptieku Daugmalē.
Liepājas uzņēmuma ‘Blue Shock Race’ Latvijā ražotos kartingus un kartinga haļļu konceptu divu gadu laikā iekāro pasaules lielākās metropoles. Interesentu vidū ir pat Dubaija.
´Mēness aptieka´ ir viens no vadošajiem pašmāju aptieku tīkliem ar vislielāko tirdzniecības vietu skaitu Latvijā. Uzņēmums cer, ka ar nule izstrādāto franšīzes konceptu izdosies kļūt vēl atpazīstamākiem Latvijas tirgū.
Kvestu istabas ar dažnedažādiem uzdevumiem Rīgā ir daudz, un katra mēģina atrast veidu, kā atšķirties.

Franšīzes vārdu aizvien biežāk dzirdam dažādu uzņēmumu preses paziņojumos un slavenos uzņēmējdarbības veiksmes stāstos, taču Latvijā izpratne par franšīzes būtību vēl joprojām ir salīdzinoši neliela.
Franšīzes sistēmas piedāvā lieliskas biznesa iespējas gan fiziskām personām, gan uzņēmumiem, gan arī investoru grupām.
Franšīze ir salīdzinoši elastīga metode un teju jebkāda veida uzņēmējdarbību var attīstīt ar franšīzes palīdzību.
Viens no pirmajiem jautājumiem, sākot domāt par franšīzes iegādi, ir “Cik man maksās franšīze?”.
Sākot uzņēmējdarbību uz franšīzes pamata, piemēram, sabiedriskās ēdināšanas, tirdzniecības vai pakalpojumu sniegšanas jomās Jūs parasti saskarsieties ar vietas izvēles jautājumu.

Katalogā ietverto informāciju ir iesniedzis franšīzes devējs. Pirms sadarbības līguma parakstīšanas kandidātam vajadzētu pārliecināties par uzņēmuma datiem un kopējo biznesa modeļa pievilcību. Redakcija patur tiesības pārbaudīt informāciju par katalogā esošiem uzņēmumiem. Ja saņemat informāciju, ka uzņēmumu iesniegtie dati ir neprecīzi vai novecojuši, lūdzu, sazinieties ar redakciju.