informācija par franšīzes sistēmu
franšīzes sistēmas apraksts
- A relaxed, comfortable and welcoming atmosphere where those who enjoy great beers and delicious craft food can come and enjoy up to 200 different beers (bottled and on tap).
- Guests are able to test a wide variety of great beers in absolutely any amount at the "BEER WALL". A serve yourself wall of 20, or more, specially selected beers on tap at a state of the art beer dispensing system.
- The Easy Beer technology allows the bar to control beer portioning so that profits can remain consistent. Our beer dispensers are connected to kegs in the refrigerated cold room which keeps each beer at the perfect temperature for optimum flavour. We utilise electronic foam limiters to keep the amount of foam to a minimum from the serve yourself taps on the beer wall. In our Easy Beer locations no beer keg lasts more than a week and there is absolutely no wasted beer. Every gram is accounted for and paid for. Whether a customer tastes a few grams of a beer to test it or fills their glass, it is all paid for.
- Guests are provided with a card that can be used to dispense any of these beers on tap, in the amount they wish, directly into their glass. They only pay for what they drink whether it is 5 grams or 500 grams.
- Beers are selected by our own beer sommelier and tap beers are changed on a weekly basis.
- Our beer selections include fine local and international beers, craft beers and other unusual and delicious beers that will appeal to anyone who enjoys beer. Beers are available on tap and by the bottle.
- Also available is a serve yourself whisky wall and wine wall to appeal to everyone who comes to Easy Beer.
- Craft snacks and meals are available from a varied menu and prepared by highly trained kitchen staff. The kitchen is open so that people can even see and smell their meal being prepared.
- Atmosphere is extremely important and music selections are provided in mp3 format to provide just the right sound environment.
- Popular and cutting edge technologies are combined with great beer and craft foods to create a fun, relaxing, social, convenient, educational, delicious and exciting experience for every guest.
- As a business Easy Beer is designed to provide a stable and growing income while being easy to manage. While most restaurant businesses have a high rate of personnel costs, Easy Beer keeps those costs to a minimum while still providing customers with excellent service. We provide our partners with all the necessary tools, materials, bar/restaurant trainings and customer service training for their initial employees as part of your package.
- The profitability and lifespan of the business is assured due to the strong interest in beer, a quickly growing interest in craft beers worldwide and very comfortable profit margins on beers.
- We have had innovative, proprietary software developed and integrated into our point of sale system for loading cash cards, tracking usage, loyalty and checking out at the cash register. Our software also allows you to monitor your sales and consumption from anywhere in the world via internet and your computer or smart phone. The software works seamlessly with the point of sale and the beer dispensers and will have new feature upgrades in the future.
- Our expert beer sommelier becomes your sommelier. There is no need for you to hire expensive staff for this. Our Easy Beer sommelier will assist in choosing the best international and local beer selections for your region.
- The bar and restaurant business can be very complex with numerous calculation to keep track of for purchase prices, stocking, marketing, human resources and profit margins. The Easy Beer team has calculated profit margins and for the costs you will probably incur, for you. These calculations can be used as a guideline for you to maximize your profitability.
- The most popular and most profitable beers are chosen for you, even ones from your local area. Food choices are also subjected to cost analysis and profitability as well as shelf life, beer choices, regional tastes and seasonal appeal.
- Of course, you know your local market best and our brand chef will work with you closely to design just the right menus and beer selections and will also update those menus on a regular basis.
- We want to make this as easy as possible for you to run a professional operation and to be successful.
- Riga, Latvia
franšīzes struktūrvienība
- Koper, Slovenia
- Budapest, Hungary
struktūrvienības fotogrāfija
informācija priekš franšīzes ņēmējiem
atbalsts franšīzes ņēmējiem
Easy Beer is designed to be available in three flexible configurations:
- Bar/restaurant in a popular tourist area
- Bar/restaurant in a shopping mall/ airport (no terrace)
- Bar/restaurant in popular areas for local people (less seasonal impact, slightly different menu)
Different Options for Your Business:
- Premises starting from 150 sq. m up to 500sq.m
- Business format franchise (available also as conversion franchise)
- Single unit, multi-unit or area development
The Easy Beer Franchise Package Includes:
- Start-up and customer service training for key personnel
- Comprehensive Franchise Operations Manual
- Brand book including all images, fonts, graphics, logos and text
- Detailed financial model for one unit/multi-unit development
- Evaluation and approval of location and premises
- Localisation of beer & food menu (if necessary)
- Pricing and merchandising principles
- Proprietary, innovative Easy Beer technologies and software
- Design project
- Innovative beer dispensing equipment and software at special prices available only for our franchisees
- Equipment leasing options are available
- Other suppliers and producers of furniture, equipment, key products may be offered at special prices
- Website template and internet domains
- Ongoing training and control visits
- Regular marketing support and tools
- Regular menu updates with all recipes and instructions
kopējās investīcijas
- The total investment depends on many factors including: the cost of property improvement, a tenancy deposit, etc.
- A typical Easy Beer bar/restaurant would require investment starting from EUR 150,000 (including equipment and software approx.EUR 80,000). Equipment leasing options are available. Just ask us more about them.
- Expected return on investment: 14-30 months.
- Franchise agreement: 10 years (with prolongation options).
Franchise Fee
- Standard fee: EUR 23,750
- Entrance fee reduced for first franchisees in their country and for multi-unit franchisees
- Ongoing fee starting from 4-th month of operation
Area Development
- Conditions for area development are agreed upon independently.
pamata nosacījumi
- You need no expertise in bar or restaurant development and management. We supply that for you. All you need is a love of good food, good wine and creating a social atmosphere for people. Of course, you need to be able to invest in your future.
informācija par franšīzes devēju
kontaktpersona priekš kandidātiem
Juris Roganovs (please contact in English)
uzzināt vairāk
lasīt rakstus
visvairāk lasītais

Thierry maiznīcu-konditoreju tīkls attīstās jau deviņus gadus. Trīs ceturtdaļas no tīkla veido franšīzes uzņēmumi.
Vairāk kā 50 000 vietās visā pasaulē tiek tirgota Nathan's zīmola produkcija. 2016.gadā tīklam pievienojās arī Latvijas restorāni, kļūstot par pirmajiem Eiropā.
Pirms pusgada starptautiskais restorānu tīkls izgāja biržā. Ir zināmi konkrētāki uzņēmuma nākotnes plāni.
Seminārs par biznesa iespējām ar SUBWAY
Latvija ir viens no retajiem tirgiem, kur pasaules lielākajam restorānu tīklam nav sava reģionālā attīstības aģenta. Lai par tādu kļūtu, sevi ir jāpierāda ar darbu un rezultātiem, vadot franšīzes restorānu.

Latvijas studentu iecienītais bāru-kafejnīcu tīkls ’Ezītis miglā’ ir uzsācis franšīzes gaitas.
Pasaules lielākais restorānu franšīzes tīkls turpina paplašināšanos, paralēli ieviešot izmaiņas zīmolā un interjera dizainā.
Jau šajā pavasarī Viļņā durvis vērs slavenais amerikāņu sporta bārs „Hooters”. Divu gadu laikā tiek plānots ar šādu restorānu iepriecināt arī latviešus un igauņus.
Amerikā iecienītie sporta krogi “The Tilted Kilt” plāno attīstīt franšīzes tīklu Eiropā. Investīciju apjoms franšīzes partneriem ir sākot no viena miljona ASV dolāriem.
Wok restorānu franšīze iztur laika pārbaudi Baltijas tirgū. Kamēr daudzi citi ēdināšanas uzņēmumi, kas piedāvā Austrumu ēdienus, nav izturējuši konkurenci, “Wok To Walk” nemitīgi ienāk klienti pēc savas porcijas ātri pagatavota, taču veselīga ēdiena.
Šķiet, ka vārdi - veselīgs un ātrā ēdināšana – nepavisam nesader kopā, taču šis priekšstats ir maldīgs. “Subway” pasaulē pazīstams kā veselīgs ātrās ēdināšanas uzņēmums.

Katalogā ietverto informāciju ir iesniedzis franšīzes devējs. Pirms sadarbības līguma parakstīšanas kandidātam vajadzētu pārliecināties par uzņēmuma datiem un kopējo biznesa modeļa pievilcību. Redakcija patur tiesības pārbaudīt informāciju par katalogā esošiem uzņēmumiem. Ja saņemat informāciju, ka uzņēmumu iesniegtie dati ir neprecīzi vai novecojuši, lūdzu, sazinieties ar redakciju.